McKenzie Pass-Santiam Pass National Scenic Byway DVD

Item #: 21014
McKenzie Pass-Santiam Pass National Scenic Byway DVD
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Product Details

McKenzie Pass-Santiam Pass National Scenic Byway is an 82-mile loop with the highest concentration of snowcapped volcanoes in the lower 48 states. Visitors experience dramatic views of high Cascade peaks and panoramic lava fields with striking contrast between the black debris fields and white snow covered mountains. Soaring picturesque volcanoes are mirroed in crystal clear lakes, and majestic waterfalls flow from lush forests along this one-of-a-kind drive through Oregon's outstanding Cascade mountains. This DVD presents route overviews, recreation opportunities, history, ecology, geology, and many other features of the McKenzie Pass-Santiam Pass National Scenic Byway. Experience a one-of-a-kind driving tour among snowcapped volcanic peaks, panoramic lava fields, lush forests, crystal lakes, and majestic waterfalls!
Features: 66 minutes. Eleven scenic programs on one disc. 2015.