Across the Olympic Mountains: The Press Expedition, 1889-90
Item #:
Author: Robert L. Wood
ISBN: 9780898862195
Author: Robert L. Wood
ISBN: 9780898862195

Product Details
The rugged Olympic Mountains present a challenge that is treated with respect even by today's mountaineer equipped with sophisticated gear. More than one hundred years ago, during one of the most severe winters ever recorded in western Washington, six men set out to cross the mountain wilderness of the Olympic Peninsula.
The era of explorers had not quite ended in 1889, but few unknown wilderness areas remained. The mysterious snow-capped Olympics, surrounded by mists and Indian legend, were tantalizingly visible to the adventurous. Six weeks after the Seattle Press newspaper published a call from then governor Elisha Ferry "for some of the hardy citizens to acquire fame by unveiling the mystery," the Press itself sponsored an expedition - comprising six men, four dogs, and two mules.
According to the Press, the party members had all "endured hardship and privation at different times in their lives, and are hardy and rugged in their physical makeup." They needed to be, as hazard and terrible weather challenged them repeatedly during the next six months.
Author Robert Wood returned to the diaries of the expedition members and other original records in reconstructing this exciting, amusing account of the Press Expedition's remarkable experience.
Features: Paperback. 1967. 220 pp. Black and white photos, bibliography, and appendix. 5.25 x 8.25 x 0.75 in.